Intermediate education

Being a small rural school we are able to offer awesome opportunities to intermediate (Year 7 and 8) tamariki. Our intermediate tamariki are seperated into single sex classes.

Roles + responsibilities

Our intermediate tamariki are offered leaderships roles and responsibilities that allow for growth. These opportunities help them to learn hone or learn new skills in various ways and to share this learning in various places. Currently roles and responsibilities include being a peer mediator, librarian, road patroller, sick bay monitor, PAL leader and leading our school in whole school awards and singing hui. 

merc camp 

Our Intermediate tamariki have many opportunities to participate in EOTC. Recently they took part in the Sir Peter Blake MERC Blake Experience. 



Day 3


Our intermediate tamariki go to Hukerenui School once a week to participate in hands-on technology experiences. There they learn about cooking, woodwork, 3d printing and sewing. 

Black mud fish petition

Our tamariki studied the plight of our native freshwater fish species. Through their mahi they decided to focus in particular the black mudfish found right here in Hikurangi (and very very few other places). From their research they were able to engage with experts and politicians, give interviews to the media, write and advertise a petition and then fundraise in order to deliver the petition to Parliament in Wellington. 

Bernina fashion awards

The Bernina Northland Fashion Awards are Northland’s prestigious and fun fashion awards showcasing the creative talent of Northland school students of all ages.

Floating classrooms

This in-the-field concept is a perfect way to teach kids about habitat restoration - planting trees and bringing back species – and the significance of keeping the islands pest free to support that restoration. On-board Explore's D3 vessel the students take on leadership roles in media, biosecurity, health and safety, construction of traps and planting. And once on Urupukapuka Island, they all take part in activities that help them learn about the realities of participating in a conservation programme.


Over the years our intermediate tamariki have taken the opportunity to board the R. Tucker Thompson. On board they've all had wonderful experiences of learning about sailing, general seamanship, safety at sea, navigation and how to read charts. They've learned about the environment and marine ecology, all while exploring the amazing Bay of Islands. 


At the end of each year we celebrate our Year 8 students and farewell them as they move on to high school. It has become tradition for our Year 8 graduating students to dress up and accompany parents, loved ones and staff to a dinner held in the school hall.