Professional Development

Our staff are always looking for new ideas and opportunities to improve their craft and the outcomes of our tamariki. Here are just a few of the programs, classes, webinars and various other professional development they have engaged in. 


Our kaiako and support staff have been proactive in learning about structured literacy. They've engaged in courses and have observed in other schools in order to equip themselves with skills and approaches to best cater to our tamariki. 

First Aid Training

Our staff and Board of Trustees all participated in first aid training with Simon Townsend from Pro Med. We were able to get up to date advice and first aid techniques from him and his helpers Sophie and Luca.

Cultural Narratives

Our staff had the opportunity recently to attend a day of workshops along with 4 other local schools. There we learnt more about the importance of story telling, cultural narratives and how to implement New Zealand Histories within our classrooms.