Public Health Nurse
We are lucky to have our Public Health Nurse Tina Vink working with our school this year.
Kia Ora & greetings from Tina, my work and focus is on community health in particularly at allocated schools such as Hikurangi school.
I undertake a variety of roles including:
Running immunisations programs in schools i.e Year7 students – Boostrix protecting against Tetanus, Diphtheria & Whooping Cough, Year8 students – HPV vaccine help prevent cancers caused by HPV infection.
Assessing & referring children to other health professionals.
Providing and promoting health education at the school e.g hand hygiene
Visiting families/whanau in their homes to provide support and generally I will assess the child’s health needs & take appropriate action with the parent/caregiver’s consent.
Providing follow-up care for families/whanau with notifiable diseases such as meningitis and work to help stop the spread of such diseases.
I assess skin infections & provide treatment if necessary – parents will be contacted if treatment required.
I am supportive of the family/whanau’s privacy & confidentiality at all times.