Pacific Island Dance Groups

Our Hikurangi School Pacific Island Groups currently consist of over 60 dancers between the Year 0 and 8. This year the 3 groups (1 junior, 1 middle and 1 senior) have performed for Otangarei School Cultural Festival and the Whānau at the Falls event.

Our Pacific Island Dance Groups love dancing and have performed at many community events, schools and festivals all over Whangarei in the last 4 years. If you have a community event coming up and you need some enthusiastic Pacific Island Dance items...let us know! 

Our Pacific Island dancers this year are taught by Whaea Whitney and Whaea Shontelle. 

Hukerenui Kapa Haka festival

This year we were invited to attend Hukerrnui's first Kapa Haka Festival. With the help of our awesome whānau and staff we were able to take over 100 Pacific Island dancers to perform. It was a great day and it was awesome to tautoko our neighbouring school.

Pasifika fusion festival

Pasifika Fusion Festival is an annual festival held on the Hihiaua Peninsula at the Hatea Loop. Thousands of people attend yearly, celebrating Pacific cultures with music, performances, food and entertainment. Every year our Pacific Island Dance Groups perform. The festival is held early in the year and it is always a fabulously awesome way to start each year.

Whanau at the falls 

Whanau at the Falls has been an event that we have been involved in for over 6 years. It has always been a great day for our tamariki to perform and for our whanau to enjoy the food, performances and to be close to one of Northland's most treasured waterfalls. 


2021 was the first year that we were invited and participated at the Otangarei School Cultural Festival. It was awesome to be apart of beautiful day of performances from many of the schools from around whangarei.

Matariki night

As much as we love performing around Whangarei, our favourite place to perform will always be at Hikurangi School infront of our many friends and whanau! Being able to celebrate Matariki by performing is just wonderful for our tamariki.